The license is time-limited, functionally there are no restrictions.
The user interface of the software is provided in English and German. To switch the language, go to Settings in the start screen. The software is installed in both languages; it is not possible to download other languages separately.
Dynamic simulation in the classical sense is not possible. No times are considered by the software. Calculation, representation and optimization of the material flow are possible on the basis of a fixed period and thus constitute an uncomplicated database.
Yes, layouts created with the software have the file extension vtlx. They can be viewed with a viewer that is available to everyone free of charge.
The times are merely intended for documentation or lead times analysis.
Yes, it is; activate an evaluation function (logistics evaluation, layout optimization, DI chart).
Using equipment, buildings, etc. from other systems
ObjectManager: STL, DAE, 3DS, WRL, STP, IGS, DXF, DWG, OBJ, JT, IFC
Background templates: DWG, DXF, PDF, bitmap images
Quantity structures: XLSX
This is only possible for the visibility of layers in CAD background objects, as the initial data do not always represent the same structure. Individual objects or areas within a CAD cannot be moved. If you want to access specific areas or objects within a CAD, they must be segregated beforehand and made available separately, e.g. via import into your model library.
Including the current 2018 format, the following file formats can be imported.
IFC, DWG or DXF are frequently used formats.
This question is difficult to answer precisely because it depends on the existing data. Ideally, you can start working productively after an hour.
You can import IFC files into your library. As far as the BIM is concerned, it is rather a workflow to be established than a tool.
Equipment library
The library comprises approx. >2700 highly optimized models.
No. The layout and library data lie exclusively on your systems and in your responsibility. Create backups where necessary since we do not manage and back up your models.
Using layouts in other systems
Layouts created by way of visTABLE® are always suitable for use in a VR environment. An easy-to-use possibility is already provided by the 3D view. Follow these instructions for a complete immersion.
Save the layout as Pack and Go and provide the resulting vtlx. With the viewer, which is available free of charge, this file can be viewed – both in 2D and in 3D.
Alternatively, export the 3D layout as a PDF. Your customer can then at least view the 3D layout with a 3D PDF viewer of their choice.
Use the 3D view to export the scene. The result can be opened by way of the 3D Viewer of Windows, for example. Unpack the resulting ZIP archive and open the contained OBJ file.
Use the 2D export as DWG/DXF.
Yes. You can print the complete layout or also sections to PDF. You can select an appropriate scale and also specify a labeling field.
Yes. You don’t need a license to view layouts.
With the free viewer you can do much more than with a PDF document. You can walk through the layout in 3D, measure it, perform material flow analyses and have access to all object properties. In this way, you can use your layout as a basis for information throughout the entire life cycle, involve stakeholders in decision-making processes, or pass on your results to your clients.