Job shop production vs. production line?

Example for job shop production in a plastic Injection Molding Shop

We see that companies with job shop production are also increasingly moving to line production. Is job shop production outdated or is this just the influence from the automotive sector and the lean production philosophy pronounced there? Can companies without line production still exist in the market at all? I would like to give answers … Read more

Teamwork in shopfloor layout planning

Teamwork in shopfloor layout planning may be a difficult task

How does teamwork in shopfloor layout planning work? In most companies, shopfloor layouts are created on the computer. This means that one member of the team operates the computer, and the others often only get to work when there are enough variants to choose from. Active interaction with the planning model is thus limited to … Read more

Cost-utility analysis to evaluate layout variants

Planner compares two 3D layout variants of an assembly line and decides on the U-shape

The process of layout planning often produces several variants. This is mainly due to the fact that several, sometimes opposite target criteria must be taken into account. Another aggravating fact is that the decision-makers assume different perspectives when evaluating the layout variants which, in turn, aggravate an objective evaluation. This is often the beginning of … Read more

Why do material flows play such a decisive role in layout planning?

Foto eines Haustransportes in den Vereinigten Staaten als Herausforderung für Materialflussoptimierung

Someone who is planning a journey will probably turn to a route planner to determine the shortest and fastest route. This is generally done with the intention of saving time, and thus costs. The start and end points of a journey are essentially fixed, and there is thus little scope for variability in this respect. … Read more